Thursday 22 March 2012

Race to the South Pole

Captain Robert Falcon Scott wanted to be the first person to reach the South Pole. In 1910 he set to go to the South Pole he took ponies a few dogs and a motorized sledge. Eight thousand men wanted to go with him but Scott hand-picked a crew of 36 men to go on board the ship called theTerra Nova. Later on in the year Scott and his crew set off to Antarctica. On the way to Antarctica, Scott and his crew heard some bad news.  A man called Roald Amundsen from Norway had picked a team and wanted to get to the South Pole as well. Amundsen took 52 dogs and more than one sledge with him. Scott relied on motorised sledges but Roald Amundsen relied on dogs.

When Captain Scott arrived at Antarctica he picked some men to go to the South Pole with him. The men he chose to go with him were called Doctor Wilson, Petty officer Evans and Lieut. Bowers. Only 14 miles from the South Pole Scott and his team were shocked to find sledge and dog marks in the snow. The next day Scott and his team arrived at the South Pole where they found a little tent and a Norwegian flag on top. Roald Amundsen and his team had beaten Scott to the South Pole by twenty-one days.  Scott and his team were upset and extremely annoyed. They then turned back and followed Amundsen’s tracks back for as long as they could.  Soon the tracks disappeared.  All of a sudden Edgar Evans collapsed.  He tried to get up but he couldn’t get back onto his feet and later on he died.  Scott and his team buried him in the snow and made a cross out of Edgar Evans skis.  Then they walked on and soon they set up their tent because the weather was so bad.

Then another man became ill.  His name was Captain Lawrence Oates.  When he went to sleep that night he hoped that he wouldn’t wake up in the morning but he did.  He said to the others, “I am going outside.  I may be some time.”  The other three men, (Captain Scott, Lieut. Bowers, Doctor Wilson) waited in the tent for Captain Lawrence Oates to return to the tent but he never returned so Scott closed the tent back up.  Captain Scott planned to get back before the weather got bad again, but Scott and the other two men got stuck in the tent because of a snow blizzard.  The three men were stuck in the tent for eight long days.  They had very bad frostbite on their faces, feet and fingers and their faces were very black.  A few days later the other two men (Lieut. Bowers and Doctor Wilson) died.  On Thursday the twenty-ninth of March in his diary he wrote, “For God’s sake look after my people,” then he passed away.  Eight months later a search party found their bodies lying dead in the tent.  They buried all three men together in the snow and built a cross and carved their names on it.


Over the Christmas holidays

Over the Christmas holidays I got an iPod.  My mum and dad got me it.  I ripped off the wrapping paper, felt the box, looked dawn and saw the iPod!!!  I could hear all the wonderful Christmas music.  My brother, mum and dad were there and it was in my house.  I bet my mum and dad got me it because they knew I would love it. This all happened when I woke up at quarter past seven in the morning.  After I had opened all of my other presents I went to my gran’s house.  I walked into my gran’s living room and opened the present.  I heard everyone talking and felt the box.  Everybody looked, then I looked and it was a 3DS.  My brother, mum, dad and gran were there and my gran gave me the 3DS.  Later on that night I went to my cousins’ house.  I gave them their presents and they gave me mine.  I opened the presents and one of them was a kindle.  All I could feel was a box and I really wondered what it was, then I was so happy.

My Holiday Memories

My first of my three memories is my highlights. It was an early Christmas present from my mum and dad. I got them on the 23rd of December, the day that school stopped. I got them because I really wanted them (but my dad didn’t want me to get them). When I was getting the dye on I was a wee bit worried that it wouldn’t look very nice. Then when the dryer came off it was DA DA DAAA. At this time I was worried the most. Then when the blonde tips were sticking up though the holes in the hat, my gran’s face was so funny I don’t know how to describe it.  But when I was getting it washed and when that was done I loved them. All I could hear was people laughing.

My next one is my iPad 2 that Santa brought on Christmas Day. It wasn’t the first one I opened, but about fourth or fifth. I was so happy that I was playing with it so much it took ages for me to open the rest of my presents. All I could hear was my iPad when I was playing on it.

My last one is my dart board.  I got it because I nearly watched all of the darts world championship.  It was just after Christmas and I bought it myself.  All I could hear was my dart when it thumped the board.



The penguin was standing right in the middle of the South Pole. The scientists were situated in their adapted camera studio through the robotic micro chip the scientists could see what the penguin could see and hear and smell and also taste and touch he could see patchy ice and a group of Rockhopper penguins. There was a huge snowstorm they could hear a raging wind and all the water splashing. They smelled lots of fish. They touched the freezing cold wind. They could taste bitter coldness. They also heard different animals then they saw penguins hunting fish for food. There were lots of icebergs there was seals and penguins the penguins looked hungry!!!!! There were more and more penguins gathering up there, lots of eggs hatching. The blizzard stopped and the ice was melting. There were lots of whales.


Captain Scott

About 100 years ago, Captain Scott had an amazing idea he travelled to Antarctica to try & be the first person to get to the South Pole.  He took with him ponies, dogs, sledges, and tents.  He also took with him 50 men to travel with.  On the way he was told that someone else was planning to get to the South Pole.  His name was Roald Amunsden and he was from Norway. When he got to the South Pole he found a tent with the South Pole flag on top of it. On the way back three men struggled to go back home, eight months later a search party found bodies, sadly they died.  


What does Antarctica look like?

The penguin was standing right in the middle of the South Pole. The scientists were situated in there adapted camera studio. Through the robotic microchip the scientists could see frosty icebergs that had separated. On the horizon the sun was slightly coming up even though it was icy and cold. Then there are the fat, big grey seals in a big pack on the shore line. The mountains overlooking an ice cave. The mountains were all different sizes and shapes. Although the blizzard made it hard to see you could just make out the ice cave and the shadows in it.                    

You could hear the grunting of the seals and water splashing over the ice. Another thing is the ice breaking into the sea as well as the snow crunching under foot. Then there is the blizzard as it whistles past your ears.

Then the cold ice touching you. You could feel the blizzard almost freezing you as well as the cold ice. The freezing water splashing up . The slippy skin of the seals made it slippery. Another thing is the penguins which were catching fish. One of the fish flew past them. The water was salty and cold.

You could smell the fresh air breezing past and the different fish in the frozen cold water. You could smell the scent of the other animals.                                                  

Christopher Columbus

In 1471 a boy was born who’s name was Christopher Columbus. His hometown was Genoa in a country called Italy. First he became very interested in ships as a young boy. After a while he became a navigator of a ship. Soon after that he got married and settled in a house in Lisbon. He really wanted to spread Christianity to the world, news of god and the most famous book of all time he wanted to spread news of the bible.
Christopher Columbus was a VERY VERY successful explorer! Various things went well for Columbus. On islands in the Far East he found many riches like gold, spices and silk. Back then people thought that the planet is flat but Christopher proved them wrong by going to china because instead of going the short way he sailed all the way round the world on his way he discovered a country we now call America! His ships were called Santa Maria Nina and Pinto. He found lots of natives and thought they were rather friendly and eager to trade. Christopher could not afford the trip so the king and queen gave him money. On the way on the trip he even found Jamaica!
Some things did not go very well for Christopher Columbus. When he was sailing he left some of his men behind and were killed by natives. People and he was arrested and taken back to Spain and thrown in jail. He miserable and felt sad and on Christmas day Santa Maria hit a reef and forty-three men died!                                            
If Christopher Columbus didn’t prove the world was a sphere there wouldn’t be as many countries as there are now and there wouldn’t be any globes to tell you where they are!

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus the most famous explorer of all time.  He was born in Genoa in Italy.  The year in which this incredible boy was born was in 1471.  Later when he got a little bigger he became interested in ships. Before millions of years ago the majority of people thought the earth was flat but Christopher Columbus thought differently because he thought the earth was round.  After a while he got married and settled in place called Lisbon and had a son called Diego.  He wanted to spread Christianity news of God, news of the Bible around the world.  He wanted to find islands of the East and he wanted to explore and set up exploration.  If it wasn’t for Christopher Columbus people would have thought the earth was flat.  We will now see wheather Christopher Columbus was a really incredible successful sailor.  Because he was successful many things went well for Columbus.  So as things went well for Columbus he began to find various riches like dazzling gold, scrumptious spices and sparkling silk. Another thing was that millions of people still believed the earth was flat although Columbus wanted to prove them wrong that the earth was round.  Several people thought he was mad so he wanted to prove them wrong.  After all Columbus became Viercy of the islands he found.  He also found Jamaica.  To prove it he set on a trip with 3 ships. They were called the Santa Marina, Pinta, Nina.  This man helped us find the various riches. When he set on his 3 ships on Christmas day 1492 the Santa Marina hit a reef unexpectedly and sunk.  Because 1 of his ships sank so he had to leave 43 men behind.  The people of Spain and the families of the 43 men were devastated because they lost some of their relatives.  In some of the islands he found he became governor although because he ruled the natives cruelly he was arrested and sent back to his own country, Spain.  Without his help some islands would not be found.


Wednesday 18 January 2012

Henry the Humpback Whale

     Once up on a time there was an enormous Humpback Whale called Henry. He was very clumsy and silly. He loves to eat tiny shrimp like creatures called krill which are only 5cm long. The problem is they are so small that he can’t even see them, even when they are in huge groups. All the other whales think it’s because he’s silly but he doesn’t believe them, but it’s true. Once he nearly got himself killed and that’s exactly what I’m going to tell you about now.

     One day he was swimming about the ocean and he got lost. He had no idea which way to go but he still kept going but what he didn’t know was that he was heading for the closest beach. It took a lot of hours then suddenly… CRASH! He had got himself beached. He tried to get himself back into the ocean but it was no use. Then he called for help and that worked so that was a relief. Soon there were lots of people down in the beach trying to push Henry back in the sea but he was too heavy .The people got so puffed out that they went home. Henry felt sad, he knew he wasn’t getting back into the water now. But right then, some builders saw him lying on the beach and they tried to help. They helped by using their crane to lift him into the sea.

      First they lifted him up high in the sky then they lowered him into the depths. SPLASH! Henry was saved! Everybody in the town cheered and Henry thanked everyone who tried to help him. Soon everybody went home including Henry.

While Henry was on his way home he got lost again! He was about to keep going but then he paused, that was the way got beached. He hated what it felt like to be beached! Hate, hate, hated it! Then a better idea struck him. First he took a deep breath and then let out a long echoing whale call. Soon his friends were fading in from the misty water. He told them what happened and how he learned 2 lessons. 1)Try not to be silly and clumsy and 2)To call for help if you get lost. His friends were very proud of him and they took him home.
